Keynotes • Presentations • Breakouts • Events

Ready to experience the gratification and affirmation of being an expert presenter in your industry?

Presenting at talent industry conferences (and other business events) can help you:

  • Showcase the quantifiable impact and results your team has generated

  • Increase your company’s visibility and reputation

  • Grow in confidence, credibility, and career momentum

  • Expand your network of fellow experts while helping to enhance and uplift your industry

As your consultant, Deb Arnold can help you:

  • Identify the most relevant, well-suited conferences for your role, topic, and goals

  • Craft, edit, and/or polish speaker proposals that get and keep decision makers’ attention

  • Design engaging content, craft compelling messaging, and generate elegant, professional slides*, backed up with research as needed

  • Provide expert scripting in the notes section of your presentation

And save you the time, effort, and guesswork of trying to do this all yourself.

* Partnering with graphic design resource (from your team or an outstanding Deb Arnold, Ink. associate)

Deb Arnold’s SPEAKING clients have:

  • Garnered keynote slots at high-profile industry conferences

  • Spoken on the TEDx stage

  • Harnessed the power of Deb’s expertly crafted scripts and slide decks for talent and general business events, internal meetings, and external gatherings with peers

Learn more about Deb Arnold’s results.

  • She’s a great strategist as well as a phenomenal writer and an extremely quick study, and that combination generates very impressive results.”

    —Dr. Karie Willyerd, Chief Customer Strategy Officer, GP Strategies (17 wins while CLO of Sun Microsystems including #1-ATD BEST, 2009; #15 on Training APEX* in 2021 while CLO of Visa)

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